Non-NHS Services

Understand non-NHS (private) work

Some services are not covered by the NHS and our practice will therefore charge a fee for completion of this work.

As the British Medical Association suggest
“With certain exceptions written within their contract, doctors do not have to carry out non-NHS work. However, many choose to for the benefit of you and other families they treat.”
Why does my doctor charge fees?” BMA website. Retrieved 14 February 2023.

Check list for patients when requesting private work to be undertaken by the practice

Before submitting a form or a request it is worth reading about some important considerations which act as a checklist and can save you time.

  • Always confirm the fee, timescales and that the non-NHS work will be completed before you hand any documents to the practice.
  • Don’t book an appointment with your GP to complete forms without confirming your GP will complete such a form and checking whether you actually need to book an appointment to have the form completed (as this maybe an unnecessary appointment).
  • Do not expect your GP to process forms overnight. NHS work will always take priority and so there is no guarantee non-NHS work will be completed before our set timescale guidance.
  • Not all documents need a signature by a doctor and can be done by other professionals. Please check the form and accompanying guidance as you may get a quicker and cheaper response that way.
  • Remember if you access your records online (see under Online Access To Your Records), you can print out a copy of your notes including your medication and this may suffice for a number of requests and is free.
  • If you are told you need a letter of support from your GP by another organisation always challenge the necessity and value of such a letter as in many cases it can be unnecessary bureaucracy for us (despite any fee we charge) with little value to you.