Our visiting is generally reserved for:
Terminally ill patients
We work with the local palliative care team and district team to provide care at home.
Truly housebound non-mobile patients
Some patients are permanently confined to their beds and we work with the local district nurse team, to ensure this group of patients is visited for any significant illness. The district nurse team support treatment of ulcerations including bed sores.
Significant illness with risk of harm if moved
This group is relatively small and tends to be older people with significant illness and frailty.
Arranging a home visit
If you are unwell and think you may need an urgent home visit, please call our reception team as early as possible in the day so we can schedule your home visit around the other clinics going on.If you are not in the regular visiting groups referred to above, please consider whether you should call 999 instead of requesting a home visit and consider all the points below before calling us.
All visits are triaged when the doctor is available and the decision to visit will be based on medical need only (as explained below) and if the GP considers you need to be urgently assessed in hospital, they may arrange this without you been visited.